
John Wayne Airport Stormwater Training

In compliance with the California Stormwater Industrial General Permit (IGP), it is the responsibility of John Wayne Airport to keep stormwater clean. When rainfall comes in contact with common industrial activities such as fueling, aircraft maintenance, lavatory services, and trash services, common pollutants enter the stormwater that wash into the waters of the United States. How can JWA, a large modern airport servicing 10,000,000 passengers per year, hope to keep stormwater clean and free of pollutants? It starts with training of JWA’s employees and tenants. Training you to recognize activities and situations that impact stormwater and giving you the responsibility to act. Providing you with Best Management Practices (BMPs), the tools such as good housekeeping, proper waste storage, spill and leak prevention, and cleanup to help the airport keep stormwater clean and free of pollutants.  This is not only our responsibility but all the industries in California that must comply with the IGP. We owe it to our children to preserve the waters of the world we inhabit.